NATURE CENTER | Ecocenter | Bird Watching | Ponds | Beaches | Flora & Fauna
 White-cheeked Pintail, Bahama Duck (Anas bahamensis) 

Bahama Pintail
This duck is very common to Anguilla and is often spotted in large numbers at ponds such as Pond Site - East End, Grey Pond, Bad Cox,  Sandy Ground and West End.

Bird Preening at East End shortly before sunset

Preening  refers to cleaning, grooming, and maintaining parts of the body. Birds preen each of their feathers once a day to clean and keep them in good aerodynamic condition, and oil them. Oiling helps to maintain their waterproof nature.



Right: Two ducks swimming in a pond east of the main pond at Pond Site, East End, Anguilla.


At either sunrise or sunset  it is not uncommon to see these ducks flying
between two ponds in the same area.



Click here to see a Bahama Pintail with her chicks at
Bad - Cox Pond. 



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