Eleven probationers return after thirty weeks of training.


The Royal Anguilla Police Force is eleven (11) police officers stronger with the return of the recently trained batch of eleven officers who had been at the Regional Police Training Center in Barbados for the past thirty (30) weeks.


The group who were accompanied by Sgt. 59 Kenneth Millette during the training was exposed to various subjects in police discipline as well as Local Statutes, constitutional law, sociology and civil law.  A great deal of time was also spent in physical training, self-defense and firearm training. 


Commissioner of Police Mr. Paul Morrison who attended the graduation ceremony in Barbados on Thursday 1st March, 2018 said, “I was very impressed with the performance of the officers during their graduation ceremony.  I was also impressed with the report that was given on the officers by the administration at the Regional Police Training Center.” 


The officers   are this week participating in a one week Probationers’ Training Program.  As of next week they will be attached to one of the four Beat and Patrol Shifts where they will work with a team of officers under the supervision of a Sergeant as first responders.


The new officers will remain on probation for the next three years during which time they will participate in various training programs and attachments to other departments to assist with their overall development.


Since returning to the island they have visited the Force Chaplain Bishop Errol Brooks, the Governor His Excellency Tim Foy the Prison and the Legislative Assembly.


WPC 114 Janille Browne was awarded the Commandant’s Trophy and Baton of Honour as well as the title of Best Recruit for Course 141.